//Everyone Loves You
BULETIN TERKINI ; students of biology are a killers .

Friday 20 January 2012 @ 1/20/2012 08:37:00 am | 0 heart[s]
before that . jom tekan sini , sini , sini , sini , sini n sini. seriously xmenyesal . thankx dear . =D

KHAMIS - 19 JANUARI 2012 , Students of 5 Science 1 and 5 Science 2 are kill tens of frogs .

ceh2 ! knon nk speaking . tah2 slh ayt nye tuh .
hee (mmg slh kot) .
actually we all not a killers okey !
kteorg cume wt experiment operate katak je .
hee best tgk smue yg ad kt dlm bdan katak tuh .
mmg la best sb katak tuh besar cgt .
xpercaye ke . 1 telap yg tggi yg berape cm tah tu , isi 2ekor katak .sparoh penoh telap tuh .
trust me or not ?
hehe up to u la ea .
pg2 lg smue sbok bwk katak g kola . haha xtaw la brape ekor katak yg ad kt kola pd hari tu .
smue yg ad kt katak 2 kan lbey kurang je ngan ape yg ad kt dlm bdan kite ni .
such as heart , lung , intestines n whateverlah kn .
pastu dy punye intestine kn mcm kuey teow . series .h
the end of experiment , our teacher said that we all are so mean .
wahhaha . yela kn . ad yg pecah kn paru2 katak n yg lg terok . . . .
potong kaki katak . kejam cgt .
ckgu swoh tgk hati dy berfungsi n ape yg ad kt bdan katak je .
bkan usik2 n mrosak kn anggote bdan katak tuh .
n then buang je katak tuh .
dyorg ckp katak tuh msih hidup n xtaw sme ad ckgu buang or simpan or pape je .
dah operate pas tu tak jahit balek . bia terlopong je .
#sorry katak . kteorg bkan pmbnuh , kteorg cume nk mncube ssuatu yg baru .hee ..

nah tgk gmba2 kt bwh ni . peace ! -,-

katak ni pregnant kot coz ad telor . yg itam2 tu telor lah .  

dlm telap tu katak nye tp ni ad seekor je .
#pic2 ni smue sy cptured gune membe punye kmera . hee sory kwn coz gune ur cmera n then take a lots of pictre . hee sory .

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Info for You !
Farah sedang menyambung pelajaran di UPSI . Teacher-to-be , InsyaAllah . doakan Farah agar menjadi seorang pendidik kelak . thankx =D

Mood : Teacher-to-be

Status : Sape yg Fara xfollow dy blek sile tulis kt shoutbox ea . kdang-2 xprasan . hee . Tekan like & click bwh ni please n follow my twitter . TQ .
tekan ni jom here , here , here , here , here , here n here. thankx dear . muahhh =D


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