//Everyone Loves You
16 taOn !

Thursday 6 January 2011 @ 1/06/2011 05:56:00 am | 0 heart[s]
before that . jom tekan sini , sini , sini , sini , sini n sini. seriously xmenyesal . thankx dear . =D

ishh .. rase skjap je aq dah naik fOrm 4 n ag 2blan dah 16taOn .. wahh dah tue meyhh .. firSt , secOnd n third day at skOol sO bOrink cOz ad Orientasi .. ishh saket gilax kaki aq cm nk tercabOt pOn ad .. xcuke class skunk cOz dah xsame class ngan maya ,... kurang hePy .. bUt tOday i'm very2 hePy cOz meemah blek n skOol kt stabk blek .. yeah !!! i mIss u meemah !!! muahh ! lOve her sO much ! hOpe tira n syaza Oke at new skOol .. muahh !

stakat niyhh aq rase add math cm susah kit laa .. whatever it is .. i will try my beSt fOr all subJect yg aq amek .. kne la smangat kn ? kn ? kih3 ... ^^

cpe ad amek prinsip akaun ??? susah x ek ?? nk try amek laa but tah la .. ish ! xtaw ... hurm ..

♥ Budax comel mesti kena comment ! ♥

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Talking monster

0 main sembunyi-2 kt blOg ni ! ♥

Info for You !
Farah sedang menyambung pelajaran di UPSI . Teacher-to-be , InsyaAllah . doakan Farah agar menjadi seorang pendidik kelak . thankx =D

Mood : Teacher-to-be

Status : Sape yg Fara xfollow dy blek sile tulis kt shoutbox ea . kdang-2 xprasan . hee . Tekan like & click bwh ni please n follow my twitter . TQ .
tekan ni jom here , here , here , here , here , here n here. thankx dear . muahhh =D


My Parents

My Family

My Big Family


My Friends

Sis Nonie | Shaz | Maya | Tira | Fieza Cha | Meemah | Jiha | Syafiq | Ady | Hafiz N | Hafiz C | Amin | Ashriq | Mirul

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Sporting Friends

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korang baik kn ? click kn bwh ni . thankx syg korang . ♥

A Big Clap

Template by : Aina Syaza
Basecode : Farisya
Images : We♥it
Full Edited : Faratyqa

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Angel Wing Heart